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Social Impact: Proceeds from your purchase go to these amazing causes!

Support Women Artisans Around the World

Through your purchase, you help create & maintain sustainable livelihoods for hundreds of artisans and their families across the globe.

Women's Empowerment

Renew Organization supports women and children in Bhutan with a speical focus on survivors of domestic violence and sexual or gender-based violence.

Accessible Education

Bali Children's Foundation helps lift rural families of out poverty by funding education for disadvantaged children. They support traditional borading schools, and community-based education projects.

Scholarship Program

The Green School in Bali turns out the world's next generation of green leaders. Relying solely on scholarships to make this incredible educational experience possible and accessible to children from a variety of background.

And More!

Check out how we support Dogs, Victims of Gun Violence, LGBTQ Youth, and Disaster Relief on our Impact Page here.

Featured in Major Media and Available at Top Retailers

Your impact is global

Ready to make a difference?

Your purchase provides to 2,000+ artisans around the world and supports non-profits around the world.
