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Black Stories Matter

“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.” —Dalai Lama

George Floyd worked security at a restaurant where he was known as someone who had your back and was there for you when you were down. Philonise Floyd, George’s brother, said he was a “gentle giant” and a father to two children. Courtney Ross, George’s girlfriend said, “He stood up for people, he was there for people when they were down, he loved people that were thrown away. We prayed over every meal, we prayed if we were having a hard time, we prayed if we were having a good time.” 

Breonna Taylor  was a certified EMT who had two hospital jobs in Louisville, Kentucky. Tamika Palmer, Breonna’s mother said, “She had a whole plan on becoming a nurse and buying a house and then starting a family. Breonna had her head on straight, and she was a very decent person.” Breonna’s friends described her as kind, hardworking, and honest.

Ahmaud Arbery was planning to go back to school to become an electrician, just like his three uncles. He loved to run and workout. His mother, Wanda Cooper-Jones shares, “If it wasn’t drenching in rain, Ahmaud ran. He got his run in every day.” His best friend Akeem Bake says, “He was just a real genuine person, he spoke and did everything from a place of love.”

Listen to black stories. Share black stories.
Know black stories.

Storytelling has the power to instill empathy, shift perspectives, defy negativity, and most importantly—INSPIRE CHANGE. Here are a few positive stories coming from the heartbreaking, yet powerful and necessary Black Lives Matter movement:

Minneapolis Volunteers Clean Up the Streets, Aljazeera
“You always gotta love, right? Always gotta love people, 
so whatever is needed, we’ll wake up, and we’ll do it.” 

Protestor Gives Police Water, Good News Movement
“I know you guys are thirsty. I’m not mad at y’all. 
I know you’re just trying to do your jobs.”

Sheriff puts down baton to support protesters, CNN 
“Walk with us. Walk with us.” 

Portland Officers Take a Knee, KATU
“We saw people at their very worst and we saw people at their very best.”


In an effort to put our resources to work, this month we are going to donate 10% of proceeds from our Kenya Collection to Black Lives Matter and the NAACP.


What we know now (more than ever) is that we need each other. We need to stay connected and we need to share stories about how we support our black community and continue to fight racism and injustice. Please join us in spreading LOVE by sharing stories, in whatever way you can.


Founder, Love is Project

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