We couldn’t be a company in this day and age without considering our impact on the environment. We’re taking painstaking efforts to eliminate plastic packaging in our supply chain.
As of now, we currently use non-plastic packaging, and are 85% plastic-free company wide. We want to take that a step further.
We’ve reached out to our artisan groups around the world, working with them to find solutions that are an alternative to plastic packaging when they ship us their inventory.
We’re not completely there yet. (Some trims and beads come wrapped in cellophane when we order them.) But it’s our goal to be 95% plastic-free by the end of this year.
We’ll continue seeking new ways to send you your LOVE Is bracelets in reusable or recyclable materials.
As always, thank you for supporting our mission. Together, we can make a positive impact on how we shop.
PS: Did you know our Cartagena bracelets are made with cana fleche, a tall grass which is sliced into thin strips, dried, colored and then woven into LOVE bracelets. Mix & match bright pop colors and patterns!