We’ve all been impacted by the pandemic in different ways. 

Our respective countries have created different regulations and rules and Bhutan is no different. Bhutan is on a strict lockdown. And unfortunately, we’ve been unable to design and create new Bhutan bracelets due to the current restrictions. 

However, we’re in tight communication with one of our on-the-ground partners, RENEW. RENEW (Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women), is a non-governmental organization (NGO) registered under the Civil Society Organization of Bhutan and dedicated to the relief and empowerment of disadvantaged women and children with special focus on survivors of domestic and gender based violence. RENEW serves 3,000 women across the country with counseling and training services.” We’re big, big, fans.

We learned that our artisans need a sustainable food source and resources to support themselves and their families. With the success of our LOVE Grows program in Kenya, we thought, “Why not Bhutan too?” 

Love grows gardens Bhutan Renew

Love Grows Bhutan Gardens Renew

So in July 2020 we donated $4,500 to fund a community garden to benefit the  Gawaling Happy Home. This contribution has successfully sustained and fed 25 artisans and their families during this challenging time. In Kenya, one of the more pressing challenges was a water source, so we helped them purchase a water tank, but for our Bhutan gardeners, they needed an electric fence to keep animals out. 

Our RENEW partner shared, “The women are so grateful for the support of the food gardens that they planted and tend to and are able to have a food source year-round.”

Love Grows Bhutan gardens Renew

We’re thrilled with how our Bhutan artisans have turned our investment into a resilient, life-changing initiative. And we don’t want to stop there. Let’s continue planting seeds together. 

Your financial support will immensely benefit the growth of their gardens! 


Keep up with how our Bhutan partners are growing their sustainable LOVE gardens by subscribing to our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. 

Also, before you go—be sure to check out our Bhutan bracelet collection. The country has been on lockdown for most of 2020 and 2021, so we can't get product out at this time. We’re in talks with Bhutan artisans on how we can expand the collection in 2021, stay tuned!



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