In order to be approved for retailing Love Is Project in your store, you must provide us a copy of your original Resale License or Tax ID Form. Please attach your file under our application form. Retailers cannot sell Love Is Project products on Amazon.
Approved retailers may sell Love Is Project products in their physical stores and/or online stores as part of other products they sell from other brands. However, retailers may not sell Love Is Project products on Amazon, Etsy or Ebay. Additionally, retailers may not run online advertisements promoting only Love Is Project products.
We do not require a minimum order amount. You can shop for as little as 1 item to bulk orders! You can also purchase any items from our shop and ship it straight to your client! For special or bulk orders, you are welcome to send us a P.O. to or contact us to discuss your needs.
All retailer order payments must be made through our website. Payment is due in advance of shipping any order.
As a business practice, we do not acknowledge, engage nor extend any exclusive selling rights by product nor geographic location to retailers. It is also a commitment to progressing our movement. This type of sales strategy does not fall in line with our philosophy as a whole, as such we have decided to maximize every opportunity with wider distribution and operate a truly open marketplace. We have a large range of product and are cognizant about product offer by other stores near by. We can create custom products with minimum of 50 units to create exclusivity for your shop.
Retailer online price advertising and sales must not be less than Love Is Project minimum pricing (with the exception of Love Is Project promotional prices). Violations of our pricing will result in termination of your Retailer account.
All digital content found online at Love Is Project channels are for online promotional use only. All marketing assets for promotional use is intended to be used by retailers as part of the Love Is Project Retailer Program only. To protect the Love Is Project and community, our name and logo can only be used with the products provided by Love Is Project. For licensing, collaborations, partnerships, or to share your ideas, please contact We want to hear from you!
Damaged/Defective Items: Love Is Project items are hand-made by our artisans – each unit inevitably reflecting inherent uniqueness. Customers can expect that no two items will look exactly the same. Great effort is expended on packaging design intended to protect product during handling. Additionally, warehouse personnel receive ongoing carton-packing training to minimize the risk of damage during shipment. In the rare event damaged, defective or incorrect items are received, Love Is Project will extend a full credit. Love Is Project asks that any damage be reported within 30 days of receipt. Love Is Project does require pre-authorization of returns. To ensure proper replacement, please be sure to include photographic evidence of all damaged items and original packing slip. If there is a defect in the product such as a broken band, we will replace the piece. Please email us at with your order number and a photo of your defective product and we will replace immediately. Please remember these are all unique handmade pieces and perceived “imperfections” are part of the charm of the product.
Returns for reasons other than defect or damage – including refusals and/or cancellations while in transit will not be accepted. Returns of defect or damage items must be received within 30 calendar days or the return authorization will be canceled. Love Is Project does not cover shipping costs for returned items or refund for original shipping cost.