As we approach Easter and spring offers up a new energy, we admire the magic of our earth, practice gratitude for new beginnings and as always, spread the love.

See how you can help honour our earth with The Love Is Project this spring.

It’s not hard to see why so many people associate Easter with love. The final weeks of spring are a romantic time, when we emerge from hibernation to enjoy the sunshine and the bounty of the year’s first blossom. The world is renewed and reborn, it is the most hopeful season of the year.
In Japanese mythology, spring is the season of beginning, renewal, and regeneration. So, this Easter, The Love is Project is supporting the Astungkara Way regenerative tourism initiative in their efforts to regenerate land of Bali. Working with rice farmers in Subak Uma Lambing, in the heart of Bali, the initiative is reversing the damaging effects of chemical farming which has previously destroyed ecosystems, soil and human health.

Easter is a time for admiring nature. The air is sweet with the smell of rain and earth, and everything is growing again. The earth begins to wake up from its long, chilly sleep, the first leaves appear on the trees, the birds are singing again, the days are brighter and ever-so-slightly longer. Not only are Astungkara Way aiming to reconnect humans with nature and bring Balinese youth back onto their lands with their Sekolah Subak program, they are honouring the environment in the most effective way possible, by actively protecting and reforming it.

"Astungkara Way are champions for regeneration from local to global starting in the heart of Bali, Indonesia. We are engaging with farmers across the island to support a transition to natural farming so we can regenerate life in the soil (which supports all life above the soil). And we are also engaging with Balinese youth to make farming a viable livelihood for the next generation. We are so grateful for the support of Chrissie Lam and the Love Is Project in collaboration with Claudie Pierlot. Your generous support has enabled us to enroll 8 young participants in the first iteration of our Regenerative Farming Academy. Bringing youth back to steward their ancestral lands is critical to a resilient and healthy future for life on this island and beyond." - Tim Fijal, Founder of Astungkara Way

 You can support their campaign here, or support their goal to "regenerate 6 hectares of land in Subak Uma Lambing by creating a market for 3 tons of naturally farmed rice per month" with a rice purchase


Participants in the project have given amazing feedback! Here are some of their heartwarming comments:

“I’m so happy during the internship until today, I know more about any types of plants and cultivate the land even about agriculture knowledge”

“I’m happy to join this program. Can learn and work together and sharing with new friends”

“I’m so happy being at Astungkawa Way because have a new friend and I can get a lot of organic farming knowledge”

“The impression I got after 1 week at Astungkara Way, first I knew the plant that I didn't know before, second I knew how the seedling process, how to make a bed, how to make compost, etc.”

“My impression in 1 week at Astungkara Way is really happy can learn and hands on learning”

“Very exciting, friends can be invited to work together and help each other.”

“Know the intercropping system, know how to minimize tillage.”

“I am happy and excited because I have many new friends and I know more about the names of plants that I don't know.”

“Very happy and can deepen agriculture more deeply.”

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Easter is also a time to remember the sacrifices made for us by our ancestors and to appreciate the people around us, without whom our lives would be immeasurably poorer. Easter is a great opportunity to celebrate the importance of friendship, family, and community, spending time outside connecting through shared experiences in nature.

It's as a time to value the company of our friends and family, and Astungkara Way also provides space for learning and sharing experiences in the farming community and supports the farmers by marketing their produce, just as The Love Is Project does with our female artisans across the world, creating thousands of jobs for local women in Kenya, Indonesia, India, Ecuador, Vietnam and more..  

The Love Is Project bracelets are lovingly handmade by women across the world who we provide with water and food security, education for their children and access to healthcare and maternity care, which is why your purchases will always make an impact.

For spring we have the kids beaded Love bracelets in neon and pastel colours, and the bloom friendship bracelet bundle on sale! Check out the rest of our kids collection here.

A changing of seasons makes room for new plans and new hope, Easter is a celebration of a new life and a new future. The Love Is Project provides this hope for women in 10 developing countries across the world. Show the love today by supporting The Love Is Project.


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